Engine Parts > Dampers, Idlers, Pulleys, Tensioners

A timing belt slipping or breaking will cause enormous damage to your Seat Ibiza engine and so the replacement of pulleys and tensioners need to viewed with the same importance. At Motorparts.ie we stock a vast range of timing belt kits which include replacement tensioners and pulleys. However manufacturers do not cover every vehicle with kits so it may be necessary to purchase tensioners, guides and pulleys separately.
Timing belts are strengthened internally by bands of fiberglass strands which lock when tensioned; therefore a timing belt should never be refitted after removal regardless of how well it may appear.
Fan belts, alternator belts and drive belts are all the same thing but known under different names. Drive belt pulleys run on bearings and are prone to wear and distortion. Many drive belt noises are inaccurately diagnosed as a belt issue when the noise is actually from a worn bearing on a pulley or tensioner.
Quality products are key throughout any drive train system and this very much acknowledged and catered for here at motorparts.ie